Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Coming Home

Mom and Aiden finally home from the hospital
oops I guess I forgot to switch this picture around.
Aunt Karla and Aiden
Gma Letellier and Aiden - look at those big eyes! They are wide awake a lot!
Taila and Aiden - Someday we can play together.


Tara said...

You are adorable, Aiden. What a little sweetheart. Can't wait to hold you. love, aunt Tara

Roxann said...

Hey Gramma Letellier...looks like you and Aiden have a thing going!! I think he'll believe every word you ever say!! Have a safe trip home. Love, Roxann

Photo Mommy said...

What a handsome little guy, although I am not at all surprised, just look at his parents.
I can't wait to meet Aiden, but maybe he will be walking by that time, they grow so fast. Way to go my wonderful twin and I hope you are feeling better by now. Make sure Roby keeps taking care of you even after you are moving around more :)Congratulations!