Monday, August 11, 2008

Hiking up Lone Pine

Roby and Aiden taking a rest on our hike.
2 weeks ago on Sunday morning we took a hike up Lone Pine Mountain. It's a long story but we didn't hike the whole thing:)

Now what am I suppose to do?

Aiden getting himself into a couple of hard spots!
Help me!

Moving and Smoothing Out the Dirt

Sunday morning Don and Luke came over and helped us move lots of dirt to the back yard with the wheelbarrows.

Our neighbor, Corey, came over tonight and
helped us smooth out the backyard.
Zuess, Corey's dog is making sure they are making it level.

Dirt.. Dirt.. and more dirt

The dump truck of dirt in our yard.

Be careful of the flowers!! oops to late for a few of them but we uncovered them a day later and they were okay!

Dirt Work

4 Years Together

On Thursday August 7th, Roby and I celebrated our 4th Anniversary. I can't believe we have been married that long! It's been a good 4 years together. We celebrated by going out to eat at the North Bay Grill. It was so yummy I could barely walk afterwards! Molly babysat for us so we had a nice evening together. Roby got me these beautiful roses.

Monday, August 4, 2008