Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bekah and Andy's corner unit

Aiden Helping MeFits good in their corner!


Roxann said...

wow, that looks so nice, Roby! do you have more orders for things to make for people? (Aiden is a doll!)

Tara said...

I love Aiden's expressions in these pictures- looks like he really does think he's helping and that he's darn big stuff for doing it! :) AWESOME JOB, ROB! (We've been reading Dr Seuss, so I'm into rhyming right now...If I had a knob, I would want Rob to build me a job for my knob. Doesn't make sense, but neither does his books. I'm pretty good, huh?) Anyway, I didn't see this project in your garage while we were in Montana. I've been eager to see what mom and dad were talking about. It's awesome. Wish you lived closer- I'm wanting some sort of bench under one of the sconces for putting shoes on... :)